
Promoting engagement with nature.

The Tree Trek app—commissioned by the Long Branch Neighbourhood Association, with funding from the City of Toronto—encourages users to explore their neighbourhood’s trails and trees. Featuring an easy-to-use and efficient flow-through, we integrated simple language and visual aids to communicate clearly with a diverse user base. The result is a user-friendly app that highlights the neighbourhood’s biodiversity and history, inspiring engagement with the outdoors.

Facilitating learning and discovery.

Our app’s design complements the purpose of Tree Trek: enabling users of diverse backgrounds to engage with their community, learn about the science and history of the neighbourhood, and explore the great outdoors.

Choose your own adventure.

Easily navigate and select your preferred hike. Our app design is functional for users of all ages. With simple, clear graphics, users can effortlessly select the hike of their choice based on difficulty level, terrain type, and length.

Fun(ctional) for the whole family.

Integration of maps helps users visualize their Tree Trek experience. Our team’s design seamlessly supports a self-guided experience that can be enjoyed by the whole family.


Web Dev


Jam Slam